I would like to be living in Buenos Aires in five years from now, finishing my film studies after arts, I would be in the third year of my film studies, probably taking the direction mention, but now I'm not really sure, maybe I would like to take the writing scripts mention or animation too.
To pay my life there I would sell some of my art works or something like that, of course that I'm talking about an ideal future. But I like to think that it's possible, it doesn't sound like a real crazy thing to me.
Why study in Buenos Aires and not in my actual university in Chile?
It's so simple: There are a lot of free film schools in Argentina, and that free schools are good shools, better than chilean. But the first factor is that I don't have enough money to pay the career month to moth, with the materials (cameras, computer, cds, dvds, cassettes, I don't know what else), the cost of the life (bills), and all those kind of things that includes studying and living in another country.
Personally I would like to live alone for a while. To learn how to do all the things by myself, the time studying there could help me to do that, of course that I don't want to be married with children, that situation couldn't help me at all, a family means a lot of responsibilities, when you have children you can’t do all the things that you want to do, you have to think what want all your family, there's not "just me", and to go and live in another country I have to be "just me". In five years I want to be free of other responsibilities that wouldn't be my bills and my studies, after that, I don’t know, I’ll know that in the moment.
My future
ReplyDeleteI would like to be living in Buenos Aires in five years from now, finishing my film studies after arts, I would be in the third year of my film studies, probably taking the direction mention, but now I'm not really sure, maybe I would like to take the writing scripts mention or animation too.
To pay my life there I would sell some of my art works or something like that, of course that I'm talking about an ideal future. But I like to think that it's possible, it doesn't sound like a real crazy thing to me.
Why study in Buenos Aires and not in my CURRENT university in Chile?
It's so simple: There are a lot of free film schools in Argentina, and THOSE free schools are good sChools, better than Chilean ONES. But the first factor is that I don't have enough money to pay the career month PER moNth, with the materials (cameras, computer, cds, dvds, cassettes, I don't know what else), the cost of the life (bills), and all those kind of things that include studying and living in another country.
Personally I would like to live alone for a while. To learn how to do all the things by myself, the time studying there could help me to do that, of course that I don't want to be married with children, that situation couldn't help me at all, a family means a lot of responsibilities, when you have children you can’t do all the things that you want to do, you have to think what want all your family, there's not "just me", and to go and live in another country I have to be "just me". In five years I want to be free of other responsibilities that wouldn't be my bills and my studies, after that, I don’t know, I’ll know that in the moment.