I can't talk about artists that make etching, wich is my area in art, because I don't know too much about them, but in general, like just an artist I have to say that my favorite, the one that I think that is the best artist is Toulousse Lautrec.
He was a painter, draftsman and illustrator who was born in France in 1864, He was specially dedicated to represent the decadent life of those times. He used to paint provocative images of women.
Lautrec was one of the greatest post impresionist painters with Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gaughin and Cézanne among others.

I like him like an artist because how he used to work with colours, the deformation of bodies and the topic of the decadent life in France in his times. He showed the night life of the black sheep of an aristocrat family, who was him, his friends lifes, the places that were his refuges and the things that enjoyed him.
And it didn't matter to him if that tipe of life was bad or good for the rest of the people.
His most famous works were Le toilette (1896),
Ambassadeurs (1892), In bed (1893), marcelle lender on stage (1895), The clown Cha-U-Kao at the Moulin Rouge (1895), jane avril (1899) and salon at the rue des moulins ((1894) -wich is the picture of the right side-)
We can see him like a character in the movie Moulin Rouge, of course that I noticed that, a long time after see the movie for the first time.
But this life that the movie shows us couldn't be so happy like we could imagine. He was an alcoholic for the most of his adult life, so he had an early death at the age of 36.
ReplyDeleteThe best in my area
I can't talk about artists that make etching, WHICH is my area in art, because I don't know too much about them, but in general, like just an artist I have to MENTION AS the best artist … I think that is is Toulousse Lautrec.
He was a painter, draftsman and illustrator who was born in France in 1864, He was specially dedicated to represent the decadent life of those times. He used to paint provocative images of women.Lautrec was one of the greatest post impresionist painters with Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gaughin and Cézanne among others.
I like him like an artist BECAUSE IF THE WAY He used to work with colours, the deformation of bodies and the topic of the decadent life in France in his times. He showed the night life of the black sheep of an aristocrat family, who was him, his friends liVes, the places that were his refuges (????) and the things that HE enjoyed.
And it didn't matter to him if that tYpe of life was bad or good for the rest of the people.
His most famous works were Le toilette (1896),
Ambassadeurs (1892), In bed (1893), marcelle lender on stage (1895), The clown Cha-U-Kao at the Moulin Rouge (1895), jane avril (1899) and salon at the rue des moulins ((1894) -wich is the picture of the right side-)
We can see him like a character in the movie Moulin Rouge, of course I noticed that, a long time after see the movie for the first time.
But this life that the movie shows us THAT HE couldn't be so happy like we could imagine. He was an alcoholic for the most of his adult life, so he had an early death at the age of 36.